26the front has no time to let you make the hesitate about what move to make, please.
27he would tell her, what lady had the advantage, make him have a maggot in one's head.
28I hate that kind of attitude he hesitate about what move to make people can not fathom.
29as a leader, is the most taboo to be decisive, hesitate about what move to make policy.
30his personality was irresolute and hesitant, hesitate about what move to make an impatient.
31in my heart, our motherland is more solid ground is challenges make a nation much stronger.
32the work is arduous and complex reform from the bottom, we must make great efforts to grasp.
33on how to resolve the banking crisis, the president always hesitate about what move to make.
34although it was late, but this time the scenery makes people indulge in pleasures without stop.
35please go the next step, don't hesitate about what move to make, otherwise the game is not over.
36he is a man to do what irresolute and hesitant, shilly-shally, hesitate about what move to make.
37as long as we unite, make concerted efforts, all problems can be smoothly done or easily solved.
38the number of people in trouble, not bow sigh, but make efforts, cherish high aspirations, daring.
39if this will trouble this hesitate about what move to make, the two men also fell in love with you.
40the original is a simple thing, unexpectedly makes a lot of trouble New problems crop up unexpectedly..
41when the questions to budget allocation, officials actually prevarication, unable to make out a good case.
42I told him again and again and hope he can demand perfection, only make still further progress more progress.
43after the founding of the Palestinian arduous process, proved that the challenges make a nation much stronger.
44but it was the broad beans most makes one laugh, all out, although some seem to be closer together than planned.
45like him where there are benefits to make full use of the advantages offered, where the drill, it is intolerable.
46this region has just suffered earthquake last year; this year, a large flood attack; this can really make a worse.
47the combined army of elves and humans successfully make the most of Lodalen's The whole army was wiped out. troll.
48I have a wish to be able to shoulder important tasks expectations, he shouldered the task to make all-out efforts.
49the marriage was not a hundred percent, unless otherwise where all make full use of the advantages offered, right?
50his talent is dazzling, but also make people smile; however in life or politics did not produce value and influence.