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词语so that造句,用so that造句:
So that's what I became a teacher.
the holding hostages as a shield, so that the police might not easily shot.
in the exam, he did not prepare, so that no one passes The whole army was wiped out..
these people are often a large number of cities, so that the urban area has been overloaded [heavy] all kinds of facilities.
we want to through persistent efforts, create more employment opportunities, so that the majority of workers from each according to his ability, make their own niche.
as long as pay more attention to daily life, will naturally have a wealth of material, so that at the time of writing can be wonderful flower pen, handy, use it freely.
understand the psychological status, with love and care as a means of action, patience, so that they out of bad guys help, return to the right path, establish a positive and healthy outlook on life.
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